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CompuApps DriveWizard.NET V3 V3.14

CompuApps DriveWizard.NET V3 V3.14

Screenshots of CompuApps DriveWizard.NET V3

CompuApps DriveWizard.NET V3 Publisher's Description

CompuApps DriveWizard.NET uses breakthrough technology to enable disk clonin over Local and over TCP/IP networks. Upgrade, mirror (clone), Restore, Automatic back up of your hard drive to another hard drive are some of the functions available. You can also expand/ resize your hard drive. Supports FAT16, FAT32,NTFS, HPFS, Ext2, EXT3, ResizerFS, LILO & Grub File systems. Limited support for Dynamic hard drives. Works in native (true) Windows mode.

What's New in Version V3.14 of CompuApps DriveWizard.NET V3

Support linux partitions and bootloaders, NTFS and Resize functions

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